Writer Resources: Read Out Loud.

Part of writing is getting the flow of your story right. I found most writers (new and seasoned) forget to do one thing. Read it to yourself. Not the normal internal reading, but out loud.

That’s right! Reading what you’re stuck on, or editing, out loud can help you determine if that scene fits your flow. Even helping to determine proper dialogue for you characters, reading out loud has never been more important. Slow it down, and repeat the sentences to unsure use of the proper punctuation placement.

And let’s not forget how much more your readers will feel like your story relates to them in one way or another. So be brave and read it out, loud and proud. Feel your words the way you want your readers to feel them.

Now go write something!

Published by IABE515

I am a book nerd and lover of words! So I share what I can from my time as a VP of a publishing house, and more than 10 years in the self-publishing game! The IABE is my attempt at bringing books back; bringing literacy back, and making intelligence sexy again, one book at a time.

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